Energy Healing
For Balancing & Harmonising
Mind, Body & Spirit
What a session with me looks like
In-Person Sessions
We are all unique, and therefore every session that I facilitate is also unique to the individual. Guiding the client into a state of deep relaxation, I use Usui Reiki as a framework and beyond this I work intuitively to balance and harmonise the energy centres of the body (our chakras), releasing where needed and weaving in other complementary healing modalities where guided.
The session begins with a gentle chat to discuss and establish your goals for the healing session.
A carefully prepared environment welcomes you, promoting a sense of peace for you as you settle into a chair or couch, whichever feels most comfortable.
A combination of candles, diffusion of essential oils, healing music, oracle cards and herbs are some of the ‘enhancers’ of overall ambiance, respecting the client’s preferences and wishes.
Once comfortable, approximately 40mins of energy healing ensues with a predominantly hands-off practice, with light touch if permitted on the head, shoulders and feet. The option of an additional 20 minutes of ‘Aromatouch’, an essential oil wellness supportive protocol, is available.
Where guided, or at the client’s request, crystals, use of pendulum, sigil and ‘smudging’ with herbs are also woven into the session.
The session comes to a gentle end with time and space held for the client to discuss any experiences from the session.
As the healing continues to embed in subsequent days, the client is very welcome to be in touch to share any observations or experiences.
Distance Healing Sessions
It may come as a surprise to know that an energy healing session can also take place without the client needing to be present! As proven with quantum physics and quantum theory, energy is not limited by time and space, and therefore distance healing sessions are hugely useful in some situations where the client being present is difficult due to geographical limitations; time or mobility constraints; or for personal, health or emotional reasons, for example, whereby the client prefers to remain in the privacy of their home space.
The preparation of the distance healing session is the same as in-person sessions with an agreed time and communication beforehand to talk through the process of sending distance healing and the client’s goals for the healing session. Having been a recipient of distance healing myself, I can personally vouch for how incredible this can also be.
Healing Circles
One of my pillars to health and wellness is the power and importance of ‘community’. Well structured holistic healing circles are a beautiful way to foster a deep sense of community and connection, within a non-judgmental and egalitarian space, where sharing and deep healing can take place. To this end, I completed a Healing Circle Leader’s Diploma to be able to offer this beautiful experience to others, online or in person.
Energy Healing Sessions
A Beautiful Investment In You- 1h Energy healing in person £35
- 1h30 Energy Healing + Aromatouch £55
- 30 mins Aromatouch £25
- 1h Energy Healing Distance £30
Identifying with the invisible subtle energies within you that animate your life
Working with Mind, Body &Spirit
I view wellness as a holistic process that considers the interconnectedness of all aspects to a person’s wellbeing: the mind, body & spirit. In energy healing, we can identify with the invisible energy that sustains us, identifying energy blockages and imbalances and their potential roots and gently work on releasing them. We can balance and harmonise our chakras, or energy centres, which govern different areas of our being in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual plane.
What is Energy Healing?
All physical structures, including our bodies, are 99.9% empty space vibrating at an incredibly high speed frequency. This rapidly vibrating space is like an energetic ‘matrix’ that underpins our physical bodies and our psychological and emotional experiences. It is this system of subtle energies that we work with in energy healing, with the aim of balancing and harmonising the client’s energy centres (chakras) and the energetic field surrounding the body (aura) to promote an environment that is conducive to positive holistic wellness. When this ‘life force’ energy flows freely and harmoniously within an individual, they experience vitality and well-being in mind, body & spirit.
The concept of ‘life force’ energy is deeply rooted in Eastern philosophies with many holistic healing practices featuring in the East and it is refreshing to see that is making a come-back in the western world too, evidenced in science, with this work being recognised as a powerful healing modality.
Why Do We Need It?
As we journey through day to day life, this vibrating energy ‘matrix’ that underpins our physical bodies is changeable as we interact with, and process, the stimuli within our internal and external environment and this impacts – positively or negatively – our state of being, our life force. When we experience blockages or imbalances in our life force energy, it can correlate with ailments on a physical and emotional level.
We are generally familiar with the concept of mind-body-spirit in holistic wellness (the ‘spirit’ element of the triad relating to energy) but these are not separate elements within our being, one influences the other, so just as our mind influences our body and our spirit, our body will affect our spirit and mind and our energy affects our mind and body too. Sadly, it is the understanding of the importance of this third aspect of the triad that has been lost in the Western World over the years, or even suppressed and belittled as ‘woo woo’, but it is just as important – arguably more important – as the other elements when it comes to optimal wellness. Working with a practitioner in an energy healing modality is a great way to honour this aspect to holistic wellbeing as you weave more spiritual wellness into your life.
Sharing of Experience
“I was really curious to try energy healing and I’m so glad I did. Lisa took me on an incredible journey and helped me to understand how our chakras play such an important part in our lives. I felt really looked after and a genuine warmth from Lisa made me feel so at ease. The experience has been quite life changing, it has really helped me to check in with myself and learn how I am feeling in different contexts throughout my daily life. Lisa explains before the energy session and afterwards what to expect and assesses how best to guide you to balance your own energy field. I learnt so much, the experience was authentic and high in vibration! I came out feeling really grounded and was able to tap into my true self; I know I’ve got some Work to do on this and know I’ve found the right guide Thank you for helping me to re-align. I have felt more joyful, assertive and speak more truth where I need to, rather than holding back.
I genuinely encourage anyone who feels that they are at a cross roads, or feels blocked by something they can’t explain or shift to go and see Lisa; there really is a authentic and genuine connection and she is sparkly stardust I’m now on a journey to further explore my own belief system, I’ve always believed in energy but I know so much more now thanks to Lisa. I now welcome a new world in – Thank you so much for making me feel that I’m so connected to our universe : I feel more positive and more present in the world more than ever. Bring on the awakening, you won’t be disappointed! ”.
“I was a little skeptical of the idea of energy healing in the first place, let alone distance healing online, but Lisa suggested an energy healing session at a moment when I was in massive overwhelm and on the verge of a meltdown. I was in the throes of trying to prepare an important presentation, but for the life of me I couldn’t get into it. My levels of anxiety were through the roof, and I was feeling so debilitated that I was seriously considering pulling out of the conference. We spent the first session just talking through how I was feeling and how I had arrived at the point I was at, which was much needed before doing an actual energy healing session. Lisa’s ease and authenticity of explaining what energy healing is all about is second to none. She did it in a way that made me feel calm and very much a part of the process. Not only did the virtual session enable me to create distance between the thoughts and feelings which were paralysing me, but it transformed all the anxiety into a deep-rooted sense of confidence. I fell asleep easily that night for the first time in the best part of a week and awoke the next morning feeling truly refreshed and eager to get started on something I knew I could excel at. My faith in my abilities was restored and I knocked out the presentation in less than three hours. I have no doubt that without Lisa’s input I would not have been able to turn the situation around on my own. I have since received other online sessions with Lisa and I continue to be amazed by how powerful they are. Energy-healing with Lisa is an experience I would highly recommend to anyone, but especially to those who are feeling disconnected from themselves or overwhelmed by life’s demands”.
“I met with Lisa on three occasions in Spring 2024, for some healing energy sessions. She is able to listen without judgement, and mentored me through some issues that came up during the healing. The experience of healing itself was so special and relaxing with Lisa, she is able to create that space with expert execution. She talked me through the chakras that I was not so familiar with. In one session some sadness came up for that me that she held confidently. In another session, I saw my guides who said they were ready to work with me. In the final session she picked up that I was un-grounded and disconnected and helped me align myself back to balance and my heart centre. It was a beautiful experience”.
“Energy healing with Lisa is a very balancing and grounding experience. The way in which she holds space allows for a very deep, relaxed state (I generally enjoy a nice sleep!) which is enables healing to take place. Her intuitive insight and empathy towards me as an energetic being is so precious and uninque. Thank you, Lisa.”
I look forward to hearing from you!