Higher Health Alchemy
A pathway for magical transformation to take place.

Guiding you as you become a higher version of you

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Higher Health Alchemy is founded upon my own experience of personal growth and transformation that I came to realise had been underpinned by 7 key pillars. By naturally addressing each of these areas in my life over time, I found that I was not only experiencing a returning of the essence of me, but an ever-becoming higher version of my true self. Although each of these pillars have their own primary focus and qualities, just as all things in life, they are not wholly separate from each other; there is an interconnectedness where one impacts another and the balance will shift, ebbing and flowing as we navigate life. My 7-pillared approach works in that it provides a framework upon which to address the areas of our life that underpin our health and wellness and when we fully embrace such an approach to foster balance, we are in essence, allowing a deepening of the fusion of mind, body & spirit …..and this is where the magic happens.
I am the person that I once needed and I now wish to be that person for others.
An Alchemy of Mind, Body & Spirit
The Next Step to a Higher Version of You
Wherever you find yourself on your pathway to Higher Health, I will bridge the gap and guide you by weaving together my knowledge, experience & personality as a Teacher & Nutrition Consultant : Weight Management Coach & Fitness Trainer : Natural Health Advocate & Energy Healer : Nurturer & Warrior to provide the best alchemy for you!
90 Days For Life
It is through the fusion of mind, body & spirit that real magic and transformation can happen. Over 90 days you will receive guidance, support & nurture that transcends traditional coaching as we bring these elements together to help elevate your life beyond what you may expect.
Energy Healing
Balance and harmonise the chakras (or energy centres) which govern different areas of our being to promote healing & well-being on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
29 Day Moonlit Pathway
Ignite your path to Higher Health whilst harnessing the cycle of the moon. Living consciously to the rhythms of Nature on a bigger scale can be empowering and liberating.
Fitness Programs
Individually tailored fitness plans delivered via an intuitive app to support you in achieving your health & wellness goals, enjoying guidance and accountability along the way.
Nutritional Analysis
Nutritional analysis & feedback to inform and support health & well-being goals. Supplementation guidance available with an in-house Nutritional Therapist.
Like a River Flow
“In my mind’s eye, I often draw parallels between our journey to becoming higher versions of ourselves with the notion of paddling along the course of a river from its source to the sea; the scenery and landscape is ever-changing, depending on which point we are at. The course is carved and shaped and may split along the way, but we are always heading in the right direction. Sometimes we may choose the fast flowing path, paddling eagerly towards a short term destination or excitedly harnessing a surge of motivation, and sometimes we choose the gentler flow, but still a rhythm that maintains a level of momentum to keep us on course. We may meet obstacles en route that we must navigate, but as long as we are following our values, we can trust that the river will cut a new path and we will always find our way to the great ocean and all that this brings” ~ Lisa Picton, Higher Health Alchemy Coach
A Unique framework to higher health & wellness
It's all a matter of balance
Higher Health Alchemy is all about addressing and balancing all the elements for health and wellness. I used to believe that this simply meant exercising and eating well however life learning and experience has taught me that it entails so much more. I believe that to be the healthiest version of ourselves, and this is unique to each one of us, we need to adopt a wider holistic approach to health which I base upon 7 primary pillars: nutrition; movement & exercise; sleep and recovery; natural living; spiritual wellness; creativity; community. I will explore these with you in more depth here to offer a better understanding as to why I see these elements as keystones to our health and wellness.
Eat For You
There is a direct correlation between our nutritional intake and our health. You are quite literally what you eat; food is more than just calories or energy to fuel our bodies, it communicates, directs and regulates every function in our body and a nutrient-rich diet will curate the environment for our magical inner universe to thrive, promoting an optimal level of health.
Move for You
Exercise and movement are another keystone to health and longevity playing a vital role in our overall health, positively impacting many of our body systems. Many proverbs spoken centuries ago by ancient philosophers recognise the importance of embodying movement for its benefits on mind, body and spirit and this feels more important than ever in an obesogenic, sedentary, high stress society.
Rest & Digest
Rest and relaxation are such an important pillar to health but one which is so often overlooked. In today’s modern world with the external stresses of life and poor lifestyle choices, we can spend too much time in a state of fight or flight which is not conducive to a state of good health. We must listen to the messages, the cues, the whispers of our body when it is communicating the need for rest.
Follow Nature's Way
Toxin exposure through ingested products or environmental toxins affects our body systems so a naturopathic approach to health supports optimal health and wellness. It is also important to be mindful not only of what you expose your physical body to, but also any form of exposure that is disruptive and negatively impactful to your emotional and spiritual well-being.
Live For You
Our spiritual wellness is a measure of our connection to ourselves, to everyone and to all things; it is a soul-led way of living that I believe to be an important keystone in our lives, fostering and encouraging a deepening interconnectedness in all of life.
Set Your Mind Free
Creative expression is an essential aspect of our emotional and psychological wellbeing and therefore has an important impact on our health. Whatever our belief system, as human beings we are an expression of co-creation and on an energetic level, it particularly resonates with the sacral chakra which is our emotional, sexual, connection and creativity centre.
Find Your Soul Tribe
Connecting with people who share the same moral compass and who raise each other up has the power to contribute to a higher level of wellbeing. A feeling of isolation and a lack of connection and belonging is linked to poor mental health and associated illness, so it is important to be part of a supportive, like minded community, who "see" one another and champion each other as they journey through life.
A Message From Me
My Mission as Health & Wellness Coach: Making a Difference

My own personal growth over the years has involved big change, invited huge shifts, and has required a de-conditioning; It has been both the hardest and ultimately the most wonderfully rewarding work. With a re-learning, a re-connect, a remembering of old, and an authentic integration of my knowledge and training, my journey has become an inspiration for my purpose which is for me to share what I have learned with others who may resonate with my story. I believe we are here to make a difference and I see from the people that I work with that the ripple effect of that is monumental. I was blessed and guided, and it is for me to be a conduit for that blessing and to share that guidance with others.
Let’s make a difference.
With Love, Lisa x
I look forward to hearing from you!