4 Week Accountability
Keep Making Waves
With Lisa Picton
Higher Health Alchemy Coach

Stepping into a Higher Version of You
Eat for YOU
Move for YOU
Live for YOU
Return to the true essence of YOU

My Unique Approach
1-1 for 28 Days
My passion for health & wellness is deeply rooted in my own transformative experiences through the power of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, natural health support, & spiritual wellness practices for overall well-being.
Balancing all aspects of our being is now foundational to my philosophy on achieving a life of health & longevity & to this end I have created my own pillared approach which underpins my coaching. These elements have taught me the profound truth that we are all worthy of experiencing the fullest measure of health & wellness, encompassing not just the physical, but also the mental, emotional, & spiritual aspects of our lives & it is here that I wish to support others on their own transformational path to redress balance as they flourish into becoming the highest version of themselves.
Eat for YOU
Discover how the right balance of nutrients can fuel your body, enhance your energy levels, & elevate your health according to your stage in life. Experience the impact of a “diaeta” that nourishes your body & revitalizes your mind & spirit.
Move for YOU
Embrace the joy of movement & witness the positive changes it brings to your physical & mental well-being. From improved strength & stamina to enhanced mood & mental clarity, exercise is a cornerstone of your path to optimal health & longevity.
Live for YOU
Harmonise your body, mind, & soul with a holistic approach. Reclaim your power, awakening to anything that is not serving your well-being & cultivate more soul-nourishing habits. Peel back the layers, deconstruct limiting beliefs & live your new story.
Return to YOU
Explore practices that offer a remembering & a reconnect to all that is. Allow yourself to be guided by nature, ancient wisdom & healing practices that honor the energy being that you are & cultivate inner peace as you re-align & return to your True North.
Through the Power of Alchemy
I draw on my knowledge, experience & personality as a Nutrition Consultant & Weight Management Coach : Natural Health Advocate & Fitness Trainer : Teacher & Energy Healer : Nurturer & Warrior to provide the best alchemy for you!
Tailored Nutritional Insight
Dietary monitoring with individualized recommendations & guidance for achieving improved body composition and metabolic health goals. Optimal health informs the approach, complemented by an optional practitioner-led supplementation plan.
All guidance is delivered with sensitivity & respect for your experiences thus far, with a non-restrictive, flexible, health-based approach firmly at its core and grounded in my naturopathic training.
Empowering Movement
Non-structured and structured exercise support according to goals & current fitness levels. Personalised activity plans & workouts delivered through an interactive app designed to inspire & accommodate your fitness journey.
My Personal Training experience & years competing as a competitive, sponsored triathlete enable me to understand what it takes to get the best out of you, in accordance with where you are at.
Inviting Holistic Wellness
Alternative holistic practices, including an invitation to experience in person or distance energy healing, to complete the mind-body-spirit triad encompassing not just the physical, but also the mental, emotional, & spiritual aspects of our lives.
As an energy healer/Reiki practitioner, I see how these practices can provide invaluable insight into imbalances/blocks & are therefore a powerful tool for shining a light on the struggles we may experience.
Habit & Lifestyle coaching
Daily contact with motivational support, education on the ‘WHY’ of health & wellness practices, & bespoke offerings. Beyond physical health, habit formation & lifestyle adjustments play an integral role in fostering your holistic growth.
As a qualified teacher, I have the skills to individually tailor a program, committed to find ways to overcome challenges, with my natural empathy & desire to raise others up further complementing my services.
I will see you, hear you, & light the path as you find your way

I Am The Person I once Needed
20 years ago, I was at a point in the trajectory of my life where I felt disassociated from my true self. Through the natural ‘finding our way’ of young adult living, my life choices and my soul desires had become misaligned, and my well-being was suffering. My life had gotten out of balance with people-pleasing, lack of self-worth, anxiety mis-management through disordered eating, a work-life imbalance further compromising self-care and ultimately a disconnect from belonging. It was through a series of fortunate synchronistic connections that I was shown another way that had a profound impact and would eventually be a returning to the essence of me. In 2015 this ‘returning to myself’ was accelerated through becoming a mother, further shining a light on my core values, and amplifying my desire to share and make a difference to others.
So, my journey into health and wellness is not just a profession; it’s a personal testimony to the transformative power of holistic well-being that I experienced through optimal nutrition, regular exercise, natural health remedies, improved self-worth, and spiritual growth in my own life.
Walking My Talk
People that know me will affirm that I ‘walk my talk’ with full authenticity, applying all my beliefs and using all the tools in my tool kit as I navigate the natural ebbs and flows of life. This comprehensive approach to health is what I am here to share with you, igniting a deep-seated belief that you, too, are wholly deserving of an enriched, balanced way of living that extends beyond just the physical, material world. It is this passion that became a driver for subsequent training immersions in various modalities that eventually led me to create and evolve the Higher Health Alchemy, based on a 7 pillared approach to holistic wellness that I live by and that have given me the key to becoming the highest version of myself. I believe this approach also has the power to unlock potential in others.
Illuminating the Way For You
Your path is unique, and so should be the support you receive. I believe it is through the fusion of mind, body & spirit that magic happens, and by bringing all of me – my expertise, experience, and innate gifts – to all of you, I bridge the gap for you to step into your empowerment pathway to higher health. It is not about a right way or a wrong way, it is about helping you to find YOUR way, and this may look different to what you have been conditioned to believe or expect.
I will connect with you authentically; by seeing you, listening to you, and hearing you with compassionate understanding, I can meet you where you are at with my natural empathy and desire to raise others up further complementing my service to others.
I have the skills to individually tailor a programme, always committed to find ways to overcome challenges and ensure your growth is in alignment with who you are and who you aspire to become. This is more than a programme, it is an empowerment pathway helping you to craft a life that genuinely resonates with your true essence.
I am the person that I once needed, I can be that for you too.

Sharing of Stories
“Lisa is a beacon of light and she came to me at a time when I was feeling very low about the way I looked and my health. Lisa doesn’t give you an off the shelf plan; she took the time to get to know me, and to understand what my health concerns were. Lisa is very intuitive and knew that my relationship with food was quite deep rooted. She was very gentle with me in terms of sorting a plan for exercise and food targets for calories and protein. Her gentle approach meant that it was easy for me to open up to her about my fears, and she really took those on board, Lisa has really helped me understand where my habits with food come from and the importance of fuelling my body with the right food. She is helping me realise that there is no good or bad when it comes to food and that you don’t have to deprive yourself to achieve your goals. Lisa has also helped me understand the importance of finding an exercise you like doing, and that, as long as you are moving more, even if it’s five minutes a day this builds overtime and makes a difference. I still have a bit of work to do to achieve my health goals, but Lisa has given me a greater understanding and more importantly, has really helped me to be kinder to myself..”
A video testimonial from a lovely lady who really embraced all that I had to offer and gained so much from the experience.
A Message from Me
My Mission as a Health & Wellness Coach: Let’s make waves
My own personal growth over the years has involved big change, invited huge shifts, and has required a de-conditioning; It has been both the hardest and ultimately the most wonderfully rewarding work. With a re-learning, a re-connect, a remembering of old, and an authentic integration of my knowledge and training, my journey has become an inspiration for my purpose which is for me to share what I have learned with others who may resonate with my story. I believe we are here to make a difference and if I can start by sharing my way with one person, the ripple effect of that can be monumental. I was blessed and guided, and it is for me to be a conduit for that blessing and to share that guidance with others.
Let’s make waves.
With Love, Lisa x
Believe in the Person You Are Becoming
Invest in yourself to experience a synergistic 1-1 approach & enjoy an integration of mind, body, & spirit that takes you ever closer to the highest version of YOU.
Light up your life
4-Week Kickstart
"You are divinely supported"